Nothing makes a game more frustrating than esoteric puzzles that don't relate to the gameplay. Sadly, this is usually the first gameplay element to show signs of unintelligent life. Most of the low budget production values could be overlooked if the puzzles were of any quality. They suffer from badly written stories and dialogue, to awful graphics, stiff animations, and terrible voice acting. Consequently, we see a lot of games that shouldn't really be on the market. The genre is relatively easy to produce which means that it doesn't take a huge budget to make a point-and-click style game.

The decline in interest is not necessarily attributed to the competition from games that offer more control over the playable characters, such as shooters and action adventure games, but largely due to the genre itself which has seen a lot of second-rate offerings. It's an old-school genre that shows little signs of a renaissance. There is little doubt the point-and-click genre's days are numbered.